Announcements Admissions open for the Academic Year - (2025-26) TNEA Counselling Code - 2761


UIT is part of Swayam-NPTEL and serve as an active Local Chapter (ID: 245) for the past two years. SPOC conducts awareness programs for students and faculty members to promote to register for various MOOC courses and help them for successful completion. The List of faculty and Students successfully completed the SWAYAM – NPTEL MOOC Courses is given below.

S.No. Name of the Faculty/Student SWAYAM NPTEL Course Completed
1 Dr.Sindhuja Computer Networks and Internet Protocol
2 Dr.C.Saravanamurthi Engineering Graphics and Design
3 Dr.P.Sathishkumar Fundementals of Welding and Technology
4 Dr.M.Kannan C Programming and Assembly Language
5 Dr.C.Sonia Developing soft skills and personality
6 Dr.V.Samuel Morris Technical English for Engineers
7 Mrs.M.Jeevitha Computer Networks and Internet Protocol
8 Ms.S.Rathna Programming Data Structures and Algorithm using Python
9 Mr.S.K.Pravin Kumar Digital Circuits
10 Mr.S.Udhayakumar Digital Image Processing
11 Mr.S.K.Pravin Kumar Deep Learning
12 Dr.M.Kannan Digital Electronics and Microprocessor
13 Dr.V.Samuel Morris Developing Soft Skills and Personality
14 Dr.P.Sathishkumar Robotics
15 Ms.A.Stella Digital Image Processing
16 Dr.P.Sathishkumar Inspection and Quality control in Manufacturing
17 Dr.P.Sathishkumar Equipment Design: Mechanical Aspects
18 Dr.C.Ganesh Automatic Control
19 Dr.P.Sathishkumar Product Design and Developments
20 Dr.B.Gayathiri Engineering Mathematics - 1
21 Ms.K.B.Shobana Programming in Java
22 Ms.Megavarshini Deep Learning
23 Ms.Sandhya A Introduction to Internet of Things
24 Mr.Vimal Grace Mechanics and control of Robotic Manipulators
25 Ms.S.Swetha Programming in Java
26 Ms.Amothini Mechanics and control of Robotic Manipulators
27 Ms.Rohini Baneezer Cloud Computing
28 Mr.K.Deviprakash Mechanics and control of Robotic Manipulators
29 Mr.S.K.Dinesh Mechanics and control of Robotic Manipulators
30 Mr.Jayanth Cloud Computing
31 Ms.Lehasree Cloud Computing
32 Ms.Rahena Banu Digital Circuits
33 Ms.R.Sri Ranjani Digital Image Processing
34 Ms.A.Stella Digital Image Processing
35 Mr.M.Ramesh Python for Data Science
36 Ms.R.Kowsalya Introduction to Internet of Things
37 Mr.Sandipan Bhattacharya Manufacturing Automation
38 Ms.Farithabegam Basic Electronics
39 Ms.E.Keerthikaa Digital Image Processing
40 Ms.MT.Kanimozhi Digital Image Processing
41 Ms.A.Stella Digital Image Processing