United Institute of Technology provides a barrier-free environment in which people with disabilities can move around freely and safely while taking advantage of the physical environment's amenities. Individuals' independence is supported in the surroundings, allowing them to participate in daily activities on campus without help. Barrier-free buildings, places, and transit systems are created.
In the Block 1 and back side of the Block 2 & in seminar hall, ramp-rails, an inclined plane, are erected in addition to stairwells. The ramps are meticulously built to meet the needs of people with varying abilities.
Visually challenged people can familiarize themselves with the help of sign boards for road and route too.
Lifts are available in college building to provide barrier-free access for students, staff, visitors, and people with disabilities. Lift facility is available in main block.
United Institute of Technology used a software isNon Visual Desktop Access – It is one of the most popular open-source and free screen readers, supporting popular browsers (like Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer), Windows apps (like Microsoft Word, Excel, Music Player), and Email clients. It’s quick, simple, and requires the no-fuss installation to read the screen faster. It supports several refreshable braille displays and uses an easy to use the talking installer to make the entire learning & using experience effortless.Screen readers are software programs that allow blind or visually impaired users to read the text that is displayed on the computer screen with a speech synthesizer or braille display. Screen readers are used mainly by people who do not have useful vision to read text on the screen.
There are two restrooms that are accessible to people with disabilities. The fixtures and fittings in these accessible restrooms are comfortable and convenient for those with disabilities. Because of the non-slip surface, sliding door, and grab bars, the differently abled have easy access.