Announcements Admissions open for the Academic Year - (2025-26) TNEA Counselling Code - 2761



  • To equip the students to face the interviews.
  • To increase the level of competency among the students.
  • To prepare students for placement and selection process.
  • To improve effective communication skills for students.
  • To act as an intermediary between recruiting Multinationals and candidates applying for the companies by providing a means of contact between them.


A proper guidance is needed for every student to choose their right career. With a focus of this our institution works in every possible way to train them to be placed in reputed companies’ right at the campus itself.


The Training and Placement department of the Institution provides practical employability skills and relevant knowledge to the students. For career guidance, counselling coordinators are appointed to provide guidelines to the final year graduates. Students are motivated by the placement committee to meet the needs of the recruiting companies.

Communication Skill Training

The Literary Club of United Institute of Technology helps students with different communication techniques and feeds confidence to face the interview. Interview skills like Leadership, Problem Solving, Body Language, LSRW Skills, and mock is taught. In order to meet the workplace needs and create a positive response to the hiring individuals, the club facilitates to improve the means of communication by conducting mock interview.

Students’ interaction with faculty

Listening practice

Mock Interview

AMock Interview is conducted by the faculty members who are responsible towards estimating the best candidates from the group. Mock interview includes different level selection process like mock aptitude tests written, verbal proficiency tests, ways to prepare a resume, Group Discussion, and providing logical questions and answers of an interview

Mock Aptitude tests and Verbal Proficiency tests

  • Students are given practice to answer questions which are reasonable and satisfying.
  • The T&P provides model question banks to students and corrects them.
  • The modules and video resources are provided for verbal and listening skills.
  • Question papers with answers related to verbal, aptitude and reasoning is given during placement training.

Resume writing

  • Students are lectured about the importance of a resume that are entitled to draft it after listening to the instructions provided.
  • Resume samples and templates to students of their choice are provided.
  • The T&P cell helps students by collecting their prepared resumes and redrafting them if there are any corrections.
A special training program on Resume preparation

Group Discussion

  • Discussion on various topics along with a timer kept to calculate the time of discussion allotted to an individual.
  • Shifting batches to discuss multiple points. Acknowledging the best speaker and leader of the team. Finally the candidate will undergo a personal interview with the Human Resource executive. Faculty encourage the students to actively involve in group discussions by orienting the ethics involved during a common talk.
Mock group discussion


  • After the various initiatives taken by the Training and Placement Department, placement percentage from 50% of previous years has increased to 90% where students get placed in renowned companies with good packages
  • Students are well trained to meet the needs of the MNCs along with the association of the institution
  • As a result of the initiatives from T&P department, students especially from academic poor background were benefited.


  • Additional financial assistance was needed from the management to conduct more placement activities.
  • Students seem to be exhausted when extra trainings were provided in addition to the regular working hours.
  • On days of additional placement trainings, separate transport facility needs to be arranged to drop the students in their respective homes.


TITLE OF THE PRACTICE: Go Green and Eco-friendly initiatives


  • To raise natural awareness among the students.
  • To encourage the preservation of natural resources
  • To implement environmental measures by following sustainable methods for the future generation
  • To promote a green environment by minimizing the usage of plastics by classifying them into biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.
  • To conserve our natural resources with regard to the future.
  • To maintain plants and trees present in the campus.
  • To encourage an eco-friendly atmosphere along with sustainable development.


Deforestation is the leading crisis to the whole planet. This leads to change of climate, food insecurity, ecological imbalance, soil erosion and more. To save the ecosystem on earth the only possible way is to stop cutting trees and plant trees more. The institution aims for a balancing environment that improves education along with the awareness of our natural resources.

Another major issue of the country is pollution. In consideration to this, the institution has taken initiatives to free the college campus from the pollution. The ultimate purpose of the institution is to initiate natural conservation and maintain a go- green environment.


The institution has undertaken a lot of activities to maintain an environment friendly atmosphere. The NSS unit of the Institution actively engages to encourage students in order to save and create a green environment and plastic free world.

  • Our institution conducted World environment day and Forest day to promote awareness among the students. Students were explained about the advantages of planting trees and disadvantages of deforestation. During the program students were encouraged to plant trees in their respective house and surroundings.
  • Students are asked to replace plastics by applying the three R's Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
  • Students were given place and time to plant trees inside the campus. The NSS unit of the institution headed the initiative
  • Students are encouraged to take care of the plants planted till their journey in the institution and handover the responsibility to the juniors when they leave the campus.

The campus is decorated with many plants. NSS unit of UIT takes care with student representatives to maintain a green atmosphere.

Air purifying indoor Plants ready to use

Use of Bicycle

Students and staff are instructed to use bicycle inside the campus. Students are strictly prohibited to use bikes or car inside the college premises. The bikes and cars of students and staff are stopped near the main entrance and are not allowed to use inside the campus at any cause.

Two wheeler parking near main gate
Commuting of students using bicycle inside the campus

Solar powered green campus

To go green our institution has installed 250watts solar panel to generate electricity that can be used in classrooms, offices and even hostels. The institution has installed 8 solar street lights in campus and 5 lamps in hostels. LED bulbs are used inside college buildings.

On campus solar energy

Hi-tech 500 litre stainless steel outer tank and solar water tube

Solar Street lights

Use of LED lights inside institution rooms

Paperless Practices:

  • The institution uses social media platforms for circulating messages.
  • E-mails for circulation and communication of information.
UIT Head whatsapp group

UIT Faculty whatsapp group

Information shared to NSS Coordinator through email


  • Our campus is free from plastics and green environment consciousness is spread.
  • The fieldwork offered by the college provided students with extra knowledge to work in a societal network. The students gained awareness about cutting trees and plastic-free environment.
  • As a result of the awareness created by the institution, students started to actively participate in tree plantation both inside and outside college premises.
  • The practice has developed a sense of social responsibility towards nature.


In the initial stage the students were not much involved in the environmental issues later on when they were into practical experience the awareness was created among them. As a result, they voluntarily started to plant trees and reduced using plastics inside the campus and their home.