Announcements Admissions open for the Academic Year - (2025-26) TNEA Counselling Code - 2761

Green campus


Green campus initiatives include:

College entrance with security


College entrance with Green environment

No Vehicle Entry

As per the order from the management Student’s vehicles shall be allowed only up to the designated parking area. Without wearing the helmet Entry beyond that point is strictly prohibited.

Students shall park their Two-wheelers near security office parking area. No student shall be permitted to enter the campus with four wheelers. All motor rules which are enforced by the road transport authority shall be applicable inside campus.

Students are strongly advised to use public transport/bicycles for commuting to college to promote the green initiatives of the college. They shall also disseminate the idea of making use of public transport wherever possible, reduce pollution and sustain a Green Planet.

Restricted entry of automobiles
  • Entry of automobiles is restricted by the security guards after the specific point (Academic block) inside the campus
  • The college premises provided Separate parking’s for both two wheeler and four wheelers and six wheelers.

Vehicles are strictly prohibited


Two Wheeler Parking

Use of Bicycles
  • Use of bicycles inside the campus is encouraged.
  • Security guards and hostel students will use bicycle inside the campus.

Use of bicycle


Use of public transports

Pedestrian – friendly pathways
  • The pedestrian pathway in the campus gives a pleasant feel to the students and faculty as it is situated among the green trees on either sides of the road.
  • Institution is fully covered with several trees and makes the campus green and pollution free.
  • It is mandate to use pedestrian pathways inside the college premises.

Pedestrian pathways

Landscaping with trees and plants
  • Maintenance of medicinal plants and trees has been done regularly by NSS students and other student volunteers

Landscaping with trees and plants

  • The college campus is having around 1339 Big trees are there of various species.
Ban on the use of plastics
  • The initiatives to avoid plastic inside the campus is strictly followed and monitored.
  • Instead of plastic bags. Paper bags are used inside the campus and in the canteen of our institution.
Warning Board 1 – Ban on plastic
  • In view of the Government of India’s resolution to ban all single use plastics due to the hazardous impact of plastic use and pollution, the college management strictly bans the use of single use plastics in its premise to make it a ‘Plastic Free Campus’.
Warning Board 2 – Ban on plastic