Announcements Admissions open for the Academic Year - (2025-26) TNEA Counselling Code - 2761


United Institute of Technology is part of the KAPILA, a central government scheme Ministry of Innovation, Kalam Program for IP Literacy and Awareness, which will create appropriate awareness regarding the need of IP filing, mechanism, and methodology involved in filing IP in India and globally, especially amongst students and faculty of higher education institutions.


The objective of KAPILA is to recognise, facilitate and felicitate the Intellectual Property, innovations, and best practices in HEIs.KAPILA will help in establishing the much required IP filing ecosystem in large number of education institutions and thus create a culture of systematically protecting new ideas, research, and innovation having national and global relevance.

UIT-KAPILA Registration Screen

KAPILA Registration

IPR Awareness Program Organized

UIT organized an IPR Awareness Program on January 3, 2023. Office of Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, has successfully Conducted the IPR awareness/training program under the special mission called National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM)” at United Institute of Technology on 03/01/2023. Dr.Bharat N Suryawanshi, Assistant, Controllers of Patent and Design served as a resource person. This office appreciates UIT for active participation and operation to make this special program successful and to recognize your participation, CGPDTM is pleased to award a certificate for participating in the program. All the faculty members and students attended this program.

Certificate of Appreciation from NIPAM
Dr.Bharat N Suryawanshi, Assistant. Controller of Patents & Designs Addressing IPR
Program Coordinator Appreciation Certificate

An IPR Awareness program is organized on June 16, 2022. Mr.Madhanraj, Indian Patent Office, Chennai served as a resource person and deliver a session on awareness on IPR. All the Students and faculty members were present for this awareness program.

Certificate of Appreciation from NIPAM
Program Coordinator Appreciation Certificate