Announcements Admissions open for the Academic Year - (2025-26) TNEA Counselling Code - 2761

Women Empowerment Cell was inaugurated at UIT on 08 March 2012 by Dr. Asha Rao, M/s. Rao hospital, Coimbatore. An informative speech on the topic, “ Awareness on Women’s health” was delivered.


S.No Name Designation Contact
1 Mythili S Chair person 09965555762
2 Gokila D Convener 09942211006
3 Yasotha A Member 09715558488
4 Geethanjali N Member 09344332080
5 Meenapriya M Member(external) 07094840435

Women Empowerment cell aims to empower the women community of the institution and also ensure the campus a safe place for girl students and women faculty. The cell aims at creating a confidence to face the real life circumstances. It also provides a platform for women to share their experiences and views regarding their status in the society and to suggest ways to improve and empower themselves. Aligning with UNwomen, WEC of UIT commemorates many international days and also organizes seminars, awareness programs and other welfare activities. The Women Empowerment Cell also follows guidelines and directions of the Anna University, Chennai, regarding the security arrangements for Girl Students and Women staff of the Institution.

Gender Equity